EPA Section 608 Preparatory Course and Refrigeration Cycle, Refrigerants and Components Course Bundle sponsored by DuCharme HVAC Training
This package is intended for those individuals who would like to prepare for taking the EPA Section 608 examination but would also like a review or refresher of the fundamentals.
The Refrigeration Cycle, Refrigerants, and Components course will provide an overview of the following:​

​Concepts and measurements of pressure as well as the related gas laws.
Temperature/pressure relationship as it relates to the refrigeration cycle.
Study of thermodynamics and heat transfer.
The refrigerant cycle, refrigerant states, and temperature/pressure relationships.
Refrigerant composition, properties, and refrigerant applications.
Common oils used with refrigerants, their applications and uses, and safe handling.
The process of retrofitting a system to use an alternative refrigerant and oil as well as system cleanup.
The function and applications of evaporators, condensers, compressors, and metering devices.
Typical operating conditions for system components under normal conditions.
Proper installation and maintenance of the refrigerant circuit components.
Basic Information about Cold Climate Air to Air Heat Pumps including basic best practices for installation.

About the Instructor

Gary DuCharme has been a proctor for the Esco Institute for the past 20 years and has been administering this course and many other Esco courses since the beginning of the Clean Air Act in 1980.
"I have seen the many changes over the years and keep up to date with the very latest developments."
- Gary DuCharme

The EPA Section 608 Preparatory Course is a valuable tool that has been developed to help students and technicians alike prepare for their EPA Section 608 certification examination. This course will prepare students and technicians for all sections of the EPA Section 608 examination (Core, Type I, Type II and Type III) or Universal certification.
The cost of this course includes the 608 Certification final exam proctored by Gary DuCharme. The test will be administered online and scheduled by DuCharme HVAC Training. This online test will feature immediate results when completed. It will be the responsibility of the student to inform DHVACT when they are ready for the test.
Included with the DuCharme HVAC Training EPA 608 Preparatory and Fundamentals Course
120 Day Access
Study on your own time with 24/7 access
Revisit these courses as many times as you like
Access from anywhere across multiple devices
Introduction video by Gary DuCharme
The latest updates and EPA changes to the 608 Certification requirements
Access to pertinent information and videos hand-picked by Gary DuCharme
Access to DuCharme HVAC Training 608 Certification Forum where we will have questions and answers specifically related to the course
Member access to DHVACT prepared videos and PowerPoint presentations
Listing of popular web pages and Apps to aid in further education and service
Recommended reading materials and books to further prepare the student for a career in HVAC
HVAC tool and product recommendations including the latest diagnostic software products
A glossary of HVAC common terms and definitions
Recommended videos and podcasts relevant to course subject matter
How this all works:
Course cost is $450.00, paid through Square on this site
You will be notified by email and given a code and web address to sign in to your course.
You will be able to access your course 24/7 on any of your devices for a set time limit of 120 days or 4 months.
You will self-study the material along with videos and information presented by your Proctor Gary DuCharme.
Common questions and answers can be found in the blog Lifetime HVAC Learner on our web site.
You will receive instruction and tips available on the Esco web site concerning how to prepare for the multiple-choice exam.
Please pay particular attention to practice tests and Flash Cards provided by Esco in the course materials.
When you are ready you will contact your Proctor and receive another on line code and a date and time will be set to take the final closed book exam with a group of about 15 students.
On our web site you will have access to a video by Gary DuCharme entitled "What you need to know to pass the EPA 608 Certification exam" to help you review for the final exam.
All requirements will be explained at the beginning of the final exam and you will have immediate results upon completion of the final exam.
If successful you will receive your 608 Certification by document and then mailed a wallet card soon afterward.
If you are not successful you will have an opportunity to take a re test at a later date to be determined by your proctor. The cost of the re-test will be $50.00.